My Journal: The First 30 Days of College (As a First Year) Part 3

These next few blogs will detail my first month as a college student at the University of La Verne. Written in a poetic form to express the experiences and emotions felt. These were written between the months of August and September 2022. I will be showcasing 3-4 entries per blog.

Day 7: Things Are Different {August 27, 2022}

This whole week has been a new experience.

The teachers are different.

“Don’t ask to use the bathroom”.

“I don’t take attendance”.

“Feel free to email me at any time”.

So different that I enjoyed it more than a day at high school.

You become responsible for yourself.

No one is there to ask you if you’ve eaten dinner.

Or to remind you to set the alarm. 

My parents dropped by with a few more supplies.

And baby bro was so excited to see me.

It got lonely after they left. 

Day 8:  Another Sunday {August 28th, 2022}

An average day.

Start’s like all others. 

I joined the live church service again.

Then headed downstairs for some breakfast.

I said hi to a few friends and headed back to my room.

Where I wasted some time on my phone. 

Followed by a short walk to Circle K. 

For a Calypso Southern Peach Lemonade.

I wanted a change of scenery.

So I head to a study room with a pretty view.

Did the rest of my homework and called it a day.

Day 9: A Basic Day {August 29th, 2022}

My morning was spent in my room as usual.

Until 11:30 am.

It was now time for the Community Engagement Fair.

We met with different organizations, played a few trivia games, and had lunch.

The lunch was mid, as my dear friend would say.

 It was followed by creating a “Get Well Soon Card”.

It was fun, as I hadn’t colored in a few months.

And off we went to Journalism 100.

This time we met in a bigger classroom. 

My 10 min break was enjoyed sitting next to a beautiful water fountain.

At the end of the lecture, I got myself a Bleu and Black Salad for dinner.

Off to bed, I went.

Day 10: Survival {August 30th, 2022}

I find it odd that many others are shy regarding classroom interrogation. 

I answered most of the questions today.

A few others chimed in. 

It makes the atmosphere weird. 

Luckily we have a patient teacher. 

The homework was to read the beginning introduction.

Did I read the beginning introduction? No.

So how did I answer those questions?

As per usual I skimmed the text for vital information. 

You’ve gotta survive somehow. 

Oh did I mention the job interview? 

Written by Angel Oparah

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